Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Apricot Glazed Ham Loaf

"Apricot Glazed Ham Loaf" .. Being North East Ohio born and with roots DEEP into Stark, Holmes and Tuscarawas Counties, I often herald back to recipes that youth. My updated “Ham Loaf” recipe oozes comfort food and rural home cooking, relaying it's strong German, Amish and Mennonite Heritage in an more modern manner.

Basic Ham Loaf is an specialty dish that in rural NE Ohio area, finds many markets and butcher selling ham loaf meat already ground and mixed. However, if you're in So Cal, NYC or Atlanta, it is possible for all of you outside this area to create your own! You simply must give this recipe idea a try .. It's simply delicious!

You simply must try this NE Ohio treat! See more on  

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