Thursday, June 25, 2015

Spaghetti con le Vongole

 Pasta with Clams! Wandering through the local markets, I try to look for and find things that are local first, or if I can't find that, products that have just been shipped in. Such the case yesterday when I watched a load of "Little Neck Clams" being rolled into the market. I immediately went up to the fishmonger and said .. "Load 'em up"!
One of my absolute favorite Italian dishes is the simple, yet tasty pasta with clams. Succulent little morsels steamed in white wine, garlic, olive oil, peperoncino and a squeeze of lemon. What could be easier that that?
Utilizing my "Mia Piccola Cucina" pasta and house grown golden oregano and parsley, the dish found the flavors fresh, bright and simply incredible. There is nothing in the world better than growing your own organic herbs.
Wine pairing for the dish was just as easy .. 2011 Altadonna Vermentino Toscana IGT .. The wine featured a straw yellow appearance with a delicate greenish color. On the nose, you'll find clean mineral notes with the aroma of ripe green apple, lime and a mild hint of pepper. Mild acidity meets the palate along with very smooth finish. It is perfect with shellfish, which is why I chose this Tuscan Vermentino!
A nice piece of toasted Tuscan Bread and you have a dish the entire family will enjoy! Look for this recipe in my upcoming cookbook!

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Mangia Bene!

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