Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Braised Chicken in Tarragon and White Wine

"Braised Chicken in Tarragon and White Wine with Creamy Risotto and Parmigiano Reggiano Broccoli" .. With the price of chicken quarters being extremely affordable these days .. I paid $.99 a pound .. I thought is would be appropriate to highlight these cheaper cuts in a very unique way.

Browning my chicken thighs and legs in olive oil then making a rich sauce of White Wine, Cipollini Onions, Chicken Stock and Tarragon.

For the wine in my sauce, I chose one of my favorite Italian Gavis from the Piedmont Region .. a 2012 Beni di Batasiolo Gavi DOCG .. which is known for its bracingly high acidity and its ability to retain freshness. It worked not only as the foundation of my Chicken dish, but the foundation of my Risotto as well.

The chicken was braised in the sauce then removed and the sauce was thickened with butter.

I am known for my unique Risottos, and this one was my standby classic with the Gavi, Shallots, Chicken Stock and of course .. Parmigiano Reggiano.

The Parmigiano Reggiano theme was continued in the seared broccoli with a Panko/Cheese crumble. 

Bon Appetit

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