Sunday, March 16, 2014

Chateaubriand Style Chuck Roast

Want to learn to eat like a "French King" for a fraction of the coast? 

One of the first lessons I learned in cooking was .. "You can take the simplest ingredients and elevate them to gourmet standards." That's exactly what I did tonight.

I took a common "Chuck Roast" and cooked it similarly that I would the French Classic "Chateaubriand" and turned out a fantastic meal I would be proud to serve to anyone! The key was low and slow cooking as opposed to sear and finish.

Traditional "Chateaubriand" means taking center cut beef loin (around $75) and searing in a cast iron pan on all sides .. then finishing it in the oven til the center of the loin reaches 130 degrees.

While the loin is resting, prepare a shallot, red wine, tarragon sauce and serve over the beef.

Instead, I took a $4.99 a pound Chuck Roast, seared in my dutch oven and then braised it in a raw shallot, red wine, tarragon sauce .. thus imparting flavor throughout the meat as it cooked and got tender, all-the-while creating a deeper flavored base for my sauce. This sauce then was turned into my very own "Demi Glace" after the roast was done cooking. Gourmet cooking for quarter or less of the cost!

Accompaniments for the meal tonight included my signature "Beef Demi Glace", "Chateau-Style" Potatoes and "Browned" Garlic Brussel Sprouts.

You don't need a fortune to eat like a French king .. just quality ingredients, a little determination and a love of great food!

Bon Appetit
Check out my latest creation on facebook.comBaldFoodie

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