Monday, March 24, 2014

White Rascal

Avery Brewing Company's "White Rascal" .. an authentic Belgian style wheat or "white" ale .. (witbier), that is unfiltered and spiced with coriander and Curacao orange peel.

White Rascal pours a slightly cloudy straw gold pour with a thick foamy head and great lacing. It featured a nice spicy Belgian nose .. yeasty, fruity, with a slight hint of bubblegum.

On the palate I noticed the brew was medium bodied with that immediate coriander spice. Slightly fruity at first, but it quickly dropped off and became a little rough around the edges. I thought it was quite good and once it warmed a bit .. you get more hints of coriander and that orange zest in the nose and taste.

For more, go to

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