Saturday, July 11, 2015

Blackberry wine Sangria

It's Saturday and that means another weekend in the "Summer of Sangria"! This week was a challenge recipe for me. Meaning a frequent visitor to The Bald Chef Cooks facebook page challenged me to develop a sangria recipe for some blackberry wine she had laying around her house. She said she wasn't a fan of the sticky sweet wine and could I build a recipe that I would drink. You know me, waste not want not. So I set out through my memory as both a chef, wine aficionado and former mixologist to create what I feel could be one of the best sangrias you'll drink this summer!
I started with flavor combinations. Peaches and blackberries are delightful together, so I knew it would be a sure fire winner paired with the blackberry wine, a bit of brandy and an odd yet satisfying addition .. rosemary. The end result, a sangria that will be a hit for any summertime get-together.
1 750 ml bottle Blackberry wine, chilled
1 ½ cups Peach Puree, strained through extra fine mesh
1 cup Brandy
Simple Syrup, (optional, to taste)
1 cup Fresh Blackberries, plus more for garnish
1 Fresh Rosemary Sprigs, plus more for garnish
1. Combine the wine, peach puree, brandy, syrup and blackberries in a large pitcher.
2. Stir until peach puree until it has been completely incorporated.
3. Add a small rosemary sprig and stir.
4. Cover the pitcher and refrigerate for at least 2 hours and up to 24 hours.
5. Serve the sangria over ice in red wine goblets.
6. Garnish the goblets with blackberries and rosemary sprig.
I hope you're enjoying our "Summer of Sangria". I know I am.
Cheers to a great and enjoyable summer!
Recipe By: Jeffrey Snyder

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