Monday, April 7, 2014

A Little Sumpin' Sumpin' Ale

What's a sunny Sunday better for than trying a new brew. Today was no different. I had the chance to try Lagunitas Brewing Company's "A Little Sumpin' Sumpin' Ale" (an American Pale White Ale) at one of my favorite watering holes.

On first impressions, it poured golden in color with a clear body. The nose was quite pronounced .. featuring scents of citrus (mainly orange and tangerine) with tropical and floral notes. The white foam featured some lacing, not as much as I expected.

On the palate, a combination of tropical fruit, oranges, pineapple, honey and wheat. The beer has a refreshing crispness and the bitterness, while being well balanced for this style.

I think it's a good ale. The nose and flavor gets better as it warms and with each passing sip. The combination of tropical fruit combines to create a flavor that most will find acceptable, including those who are not normally American Pale White Ale fans.

For more, go to

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