Thursday, April 3, 2014

Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale

I had the opportunity to try Alltech’s Lexington Brewing and Distilling Company's "Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale" (KBBA) at one of my favorite watering holes the other night! 

KBBA pours a golden color with creamy, off white head. The nose has lots of bourbon and wispy, yeasty notes and seems a tad thin and one dimensional.

On the palate you'll notice light bread (that yeast), vanilla with noticeable bourbon .. but not overwhelming. I'd say it's medium bodied with ample carbonation.

KBBA is a unique sipping beer with the distinctive nose of a well-crafted bourbon. The company says the ale is aged up to 6 weeks in freshly decanted bourbon barrels from some of Kentucky’s finest distilleries.

Overall .. I enjoyed it .. but only one or two in an evening.

For more go to

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