Thursday, October 9, 2014

Agnolotti di Zucca

"Agnolotti di Zucca" .. "Agnolotti Pasta stuffed with Butternut Squash". One of my favorite "stuffed" pastas comes from the Piedmont Region of Italy in the northwest part of the country.

The rectangular shapes are "plin" means "pinched" because you pinch with thumb and forefinger between each mound of filling to close and seal the little pasta packets/ True agnolotti are almost always made by hand. Which was what I did. Yes, it's a tad labor intensive, but the flavor and texture of these handmade little pasta packets are simply divine!

To stuff my agnolotti, I chose one of my favorite fall vegetables .. "butternut squash". The filling was a mixture of the butternut squash, ricotta, parmigiano reggiano, cinnamon and egg. The sauce's main component was also butternut squash, but that's where the flavor comparisons ended. Pancetta, garlic, butter, house made chicken stock and sage. 

Ever wonder what to do with all the squash or other ingredients that are seasonal? Turn it into Agnolotti!

Mangia Mangia!

Check out my fall take on a northern Italian stuffed pasta on 

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