Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Berbere Hash

"Berbere Hash" .. I've been in a hash kinda mood lately, so I decided to boost the menu with seasonal root veggies along with one of my favorite spice combinations "Ethiopian Berbere". The result was a spicy and sweet (from the root veg) hash that is simply addictive.
Berbere Spice blend contains .. chilis, garlic, ginger, dried basil, korarima, rue, ajwain or radhuni, nigella, and fenugreek. The ingredients are ground together in my mortar and pestle and sprinkled periodically on the main ingredients as they come together for a spicy hot, yet aromatic delight that is pleasing to all the senses.
The hash part of the dish includes uncured bacon, ground pork, roasted golden and red beets, carrots, parsnips, potatoes .. plus yellow and green bell pepper, red onion, garlic, green onion and a dash or too of toasted almonds for texture.
This is a marvelous dish and I hope you gain inspiration and try a taste of Ethiopia in this dish!
Good Eating!

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