Monday, October 27, 2014

Spaghetti & Meatballs

It's "Ground Meats Week" and today I'm offering up "Spaghetti & Meatballs"! 

Classic really isn't the appropriate term to describe this dish .. Quintessential American possibly fits the bill with the origin of spaghetti and meatballs starting with Italian immigrants from 1880 to 1920.

Mia Piccola Cucina's take on meatballs includes frying and then braising the meatballs in my house made marinara and serving them with our own pasta. The result is a light and airy meatball, that simply melts in your mouth.

I will let you in on a couple secrets so here's the skinny .. I take select cuts of beef, veal and pork and grind them to get the exact consistency for each meatball. I want substance, but not under ground. Then I combine all my ingredients and mix them without overworking the meat. Simply combine the ingredients and leave it be! Too much handling results in tough, dense and dry meatballs.

Once the meatballs are shaped, fry them golden brown on all sides in a Dutch Oven. Then pull them out and make your marinara in the dutch oven. All those brown bits (fond), really adds to the taste. Once the marinara is made return the meatballs to the sauce and bake for at least an hour.

Prepare your pasta al dente, then combine the sauce with the pasta over heat. This is called "marrying" the pasta with the sauce. The pasta releases starch, the sauce impregnates the pasta and boom .. 
"perfezione"! I hope you've enjoying seeing this basic American dish as much as I love preparing it.

Keep watching all week long for more "Ground Meat" recipe ideas!

Good Eating!

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