Monday, June 9, 2014

Salsiccia Brasato Con Polenta

"Salsiccia Brasato Con Polenta" .. or .. "Braised Sausage with Polenta". If you are anything like me .. cool, cloudy days have me craving for comfort food and there is few dishes as comforting as Sweet Italian Sausage in a thick rich sauce sitting atop a bed of my "Creamy Polenta".

The heartiness of this dish lies in the slow cooking of the sausages (after browning) in a mix of vegetables, red wine and stock. The vegetable component begins with my version of Italian Soffrito .. which is onion, garlic, parsley, celery, carrot and rosemary. Then the addition of potatoes as a thickening agent.

After the braising liquid is prepared and brought to a boil, I reduce to simmer and return the sausages and let the clock do its work.

Meanwhile .. I prepare my signature "Creamy Polenta" where I top it with the hearty, rustic braised sausages and thick flavorful sauce.

For this and more recipe ideas, go to

Try this recipe idea folks .. you're going to love it!

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