Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Leftover Lasagna

"Leftover Lasagna" .. I was posed a question Monday evening, what I did with "leftovers" from dinner service. Well, hopefully there aren't any, but on occasion I find I'm in the mood for something special off the menu and I bring it home.

Such was the case with Monday's "Tagliatelle alla Bolognese"! I re-purposed it in the simplest of manners and turning it into "Leftover Lasagna"!

I prepared the "Tagliatelle alla Bolognese" in the traditional way, except even more al dente than usual. I then ladled a layer of sauce in a baking dish, placed a layer of the tagliatelle, then a layer of seasoned ricotta cheese, more sauce, more tagliatelle, more ricotta and finally, a layer of Bolognese with hand-shredded mozzarella on top. 

Bake for an hour with foil cover and another 45 minutes after cover is removed.

Re-purposing food is economical, ethically efficient and down right tasty!

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