Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wild Mushroom Soup with Apricot Candied Bacon Grilled Cheese

"Wild Mushroom Soup with Apricot Candied Bacon Grilled Cheese" .. Cool and rainy days call for comfort food and what could be more comforting than a bowl of hearty soup and a grilled cheese sammie?

For my entry into the comfort zone, I took my family's homemade mushroom soup recipe and elevated it by utilizing great components like Wild Ohio Mushrooms (both fresh and dried), Heavy Cream, House-made Chicken Stock, Madeira Wine and a fresh veggies.

My take on the grilled cheese was making Apricot-Candied Bacon and pairing it with "Smoked Mozzarella" and "Mild Cheddar" .. the result was a salty, smoky, sweet and gooey grilled cheese that completed the meal!

Good Eating!

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