Saturday, September 13, 2014

Penne con Olive Nere e Pecorino

"Penne con Olive Nere e Pecorino" .. "Penne Pasta with Black Olives and Pecorino". Are you brave? Can you handle it? Handle the unusual? If so, this dish will have you scrambling for more. "Vorrei piĆ¹ di pasta per favore!" .. "I would like more pasta please!"

This dish combines simple ingredients. But that's where the stickler starts. Garlic .. a good amount of garlic! Anchovy .. Those fragrant tasty little morsels that add so much flavor to Italian cooking, yet strike fear into the hearts of many Americans. Black Pepper .. loads of the bitey stuff. Black Olives .. well that one is a gimme. Black Olives simply ROCK! That salty, fatty flavor we all gobbled up off our fingers at Thangsgiving. Last but not least .. Pecorino Romano .. that funky ewe's milk cheese that yet again frightens the bejesus out of many people.

But if you do feel brave and forgo your fears, you will be greeted with one of the tastiest pasta dishes you will ever have.
Suck it up scaredy cats .. if you try it you WILL love it!

See what I'm talking about on

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