Thursday, July 24, 2014

Cheesy Zucchini & Summer Squash Casserole

"Cheesy Zucchini & Summer Squash Casserole" .. Wondering what to do with all those wonderful "Summer Squash" and "Zucchini" you see at your local Farmers' Market? How about turning them into a "Cheesy" Casserole that fits equally as well as a side dish or a main course!

My recipe for this delicious dish includes Fresh Yellow Squash, Fresh Zucchini, Yellow Onion, Light Farmers Cheese, Parmigiano-Reggiano, Butter, Eggs, Flour and Bread Crumbs.

Blanche the vegetables and combine with the remaining ingredients and pour into a buttered baking dish .. that's about a simple a dish as you can get AND a great way to get your daily dose of vegetables!

See this and more summer recipe ideas on


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