Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tagliatelle con Ragù di Carni Bianco

"Tagliatelle con Ragù di Carni Bianco" .. or .. "Tagliatelle Pasta with White Meat Sauce"! In an alternative to tomato sauces or Bolognese, White Sauces are equally full of flavor and offer a "change of pace" from better known Italian recipes.

Mia Piccola Cucina's take on this lesser known Italian staple consists of "house made" Tagliatelle Pasta and Sweet Italian Sausage, Ground Beef (a mix of Brisket, Chuck and Sirloin), Beef Stock, Dry White Wine, Pancetta, Rosemary, Basil, Sage, Bay Laurel, Celery, Carrot and Onion.

The key is fully browning the vegetables, pancetta and minced meats. The browning is the foundation of the flavor profile. Slow simmering is the next key as well as evaporation of liquid (Stock at first, then water) and adding more one ladle at a time.

This is a 3 hour cook and I don't recommend hurrying the process, but in the end, the rewards are well worth the effort!

See this "Classic" White Sauce and more recipe ideas on facebook.com/BaldFoodie

Mangia mangia!

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