Sunday, July 20, 2014

Herbed Ricotta Tart

"Herbed Ricotta Tart" .. I love cooking for breakfast, and when breakfast turns into brunch with friends it's even better!

I wanted to 'wow" this morning, but didn't want to spend hours pre-cooking. I decided to make a flavorful and savory "Herbed Riccota Tart".

I began my early morning quest by browning bread crumbs. Then, utilizing one of my favorite kitchen tools .. the Spring Form Pan .. I gently layered the bottom on the pan with the nutty goodness of the crumb. This became the "crust" of the tart.

Next I beat whole eggs into a pale yellow froth. This is a very important step. If the eggs are flat .. your tart will be too. Next, I incorporated Fresh Basil & Parsley, Salt, Pepper, and a touch each of both Cayenne and Nutmeg. I then folded in Ricotta Cheese and of course, Parmigiano Reggiano.

Pop it in the oven and bake until the center just barely jiggles. Cool it a bit and remove from the Spring Form Pan. I like to brown the top of mine , so I return the tart for a brief minute or two just to form a nice lightly browned crust! 

You can serve the dish immediately, at room temperature or even cold! I serve mine slightly warm with small greens and a couple halved cherry tomatoes! 

See this and more recipe ideas on

Good Eating!

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