Sunday, July 6, 2014

Uova in Raviolo

"Uova in Raviolo" .. or "Egg in Ravioli" .. Mia Piccola Cucina's homage to Italian extravagance .. this exceptional dish combines both creamy ricotta cheese and dippy egg nestled in a ravioli pasta then sauteed in a "Bacon Sage Brown Butter Sauce".

Ingredients include sheets of my house made Pasta rolled paper thin, Ricotta, Parmigiano Reggiano, Cracked Pepper, Kosher Salt, Pecan Smoked Bacon, Organic Butter, Fresh Sage and of course Organic Free Range Eggs.

This dish IS time consuming, but you can made the ravioli ahead of time and freeze them for up to 3 weeks. Of course, they are much better fresh made and cooked in boiling salted water immediately for 2 to 3 minutes.

The sauce consists of rendering the bacon and discarding most of the bacon fat .. (I save my bacon fat for other uses) .. melting the butter and browning it returning the bacon and adding slivers of sage. 

Pull the ravioli out of the boiling water and saute immediately in the brown butter sauce. Cook for only 2 minutes, just to warm things completely through without cooking the egg (you want it runny).

I made asparagus as a side for my dish tonight .. so I simply blanched the veg, then shocked it in cold water and cooked in the brown butter/bacon/sage sauce! 

It's a beautiful dish and super rich. 

See this and other recipe ideas on 


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